Book Summary:

Does wellness make business sense as a development objective? How have developers pursued this objective? What has the market response been? And how have developers measured their success? Building for Wellness: The Business Case highlights 13 projects of varying product type and scale that were developed with health and wellness in mind. In a series of profiles, developers share their motivation for incorporating a variety of health and wellness features, how these features factored into the overall development and operations process, and how the market has responded.

Book Summary: Does wellness make business sense as a development objective? How have developers pursued this objective? What has the market response been? And how have developers measured their success? Building for Wellness: The Business Case highlights 13 projects of varying product type and scale that were developed with health and wellness in mind. In a series of profiles, developers share their motivation for incorporating a variety of health and wellness features, how these features factored into the overall development and operations process, and how the market has responded.

Format: Paperback
Pages: 75
ISBN: 9780874203349

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