On Safer Ground: Floodplain Buyouts and Community Resilience
Flooding is the most expensive and common natural disaster in the United States, and managing flood risk is critical to protecting homes, local and regional economies, and community well-being. On Safer Ground: Floodplain Buyouts and Community Resilience highlights how local governments across the United States are increasingly turning to buyouts as one strategy to cost effectively reduce flood risk, offer relief to residents, and potentially improve access to open space in urban areas. The report explores best practices for community resilience involving floodplain buyouts and models for partnerships with the private sector.
ULI PwC Webinar on Climate Risk and Insurance Implications for Real Estate
Last year's extreme weather events, including the devasting floods witnessed in central and eastern Europe and Spain, have brought physical climate risks into focus for Europe more than ever.
ULI Global Sustainability Outlook 2025 - APAC Webinar
This isn't your typical webinar‚ it's a scenario simulation where senior sustainability leaders navigate real-world sustainability challenges in a dynamic decision-making game. This session is designed to spark meaningful dialogue and deliver actiona...
ULI Global Sustainability Outlook 2025
The ULI Global Sustainability Outlook 2025 provides an overview of the widespread issues facing developers globally as they attempt to balance priorities, build resilience, decarbonize buildings, and move forward in an ever-changing market and global...