洪水是美国最昂贵和最常见的自然灾害,管理洪水风险对于保护家庭、当地和区域经济以及社区福祉至关重要。在更安全的地方:洪泛区买断和社区复原力 强调美国各地的地方政府如何越来越多地将收购作为一种战略,以成本有效地降低洪水风险,为居民提供救济,并有可能改善城市地区开放空间的使用。该报告探讨了社区复原力的最佳实践,包括洪泛区收购以及与私营部门合作的模式。
Presentation of ULI France's White Paper on Decarbonisation
This webinar provided an overview of the results and outcomes presented in the White Paper on Decarbonisation, along with the future actions of the Decarbonisation Product Council.
Chubbuck Idaho: Gateways to Growth
ULI Idaho's Gateways to Growth report offers a comprehensive vision for Chubbuck, Idaho, to establish a dynamic downtown core that reflects its unique identity and growth potential. It emphasizes important steps such as branding, infrastructure upgra...
CRREM North America Project Final Update
Driven by ULI member requests, CRREM, ULI, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab partnered to create more granular curves for the US and Canada. The project team engaged a broad set of real estate industry stakeholders to inform this process by host...