Americas 1:56:58
Video Summary:
The Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the City of Fort Worth, invited ULI to offer recommendations related to equitable development in and around Panther Island, with a focus on the diverse Northside and Historic Marine neighborhoods. Panther Island is a peninsula and floodplain located at the convergence of the Clear Fork Trinity River and the West Fork Trinity River just north of downtown Fort Worth. In the coming years, large-scale infrastructure investments on Panther Island will make 383 acres of public land holdings available for redevelopment. This anticipated development and investment on Panther Island have already begun to apply strong pressure upon real estate in the Northside and Historic Marine neighborhoods. Legitimate concerns around housing affordability, displacement, and loss of neighborhood character have led the City and Chamber to prepare for the potential changes that Panther Island development will bring. In response, the ULI panel offered recommendations around community engagement, anti-displacement, housing affordability, economic development, and arts and culture with a goal to ensure that the Northside community has a voice in—and benefits from—development on Panther Island.

Video Summary: The Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the City of Fort Worth, invited ULI to offer recommendations related to equitable development in and around Panther Island, with a focus on the diverse Northside and Historic Marine neighborhoods. Panther Island is a peninsula and floodplain located at the convergence of the Clear Fork Trinity River and the West Fork Trinity River just north of downtown Fort Worth. In the coming years, large-scale infrastructure investments on Panther Island will make 383 acres of public land holdings available for redevelopment. This anticipated development and investment on Panther Island have already begun to apply strong pressure upon real estate in the Northside and Historic Marine neighborhoods. Legitimate concerns around housing affordability, displacement, and loss of neighborhood character have led the City and Chamber to prepare for the potential changes that Panther Island development will bring. In response, the ULI panel offered recommendations around community engagement, anti-displacement, housing affordability, economic development, and arts and culture with a goal to ensure that the Northside community has a voice in—and benefits from—development on Panther Island.


ULI San Francisco: Vacaville TAP Report Webinar

ULI San Francisco reconvenes our panel and the City of Vacaville for a presentation on the report process, findings, and the city’s plan for implementing the recommendations.

Vacaville TAP (2024)

Take a look at ULI SF's St. Vacaville TAP Report.

State of Green: Greenprint Performance Report, Volume 15

ULI Greenprint real estate members are leading the charge to decarbonization. Learn about the progress being made globally on reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy and water efficiency in the real estate industry.