Webinar Summary:

Residential segregation in the US can be traced to public policies dating back more than half a century, including the practice of redlining. Unfortunately, long after government policies driving segregation were repealed, disadvantaged neighborhoods and their residents continue to suffer the effects of disinvestment and discrimination today.

Industry leaders from HR&A, Habitat for Humanity, United Housing and JBG Smith share their perspectives on how the residential development industry can work to remedy this history of discrimination through individual, corporate, industry, and public policy reforms.

Webinar Summary: Residential segregation in the US can be traced to public policies dating back more than half a century, including the practice of redlining. Unfortunately, long after government policies driving segregation were repealed, disadvantaged neighborhoods and their residents continue to suffer the effects of disinvestment and discrimination today.

Industry leaders from HR&A, Habitat for Humanity, United Housing and JBG Smith share their perspectives on how the residential development industry can work to remedy this history of discrimination through individual, corporate, industry, and public policy reforms.


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