Webinar Summary:

More than 75% of U.S. commercial real estate (CRE) senior leadership positions are held by white men. Yet, we know that diverse voices and perspectives are good for building stronger communities and creating economically inclusive impact and growth.

In an effort to identify and explore some of the barriers that exist for women and BIPOC practitioners in Central PA CRE, land development, and public/private partnerships, a panel of regional leaders share both trends and personal anecdotes. This panel will discuss the barriers some communities face advancing in the industry, what existing opportunities can be leveraged to meaningfully improve DE&I, and how to center equity in land use decision making processes.

Webinar Summary: More than 75% of U.S. commercial real estate (CRE) senior leadership positions are held by white men. Yet, we know that diverse voices and perspectives are good for building stronger communities and creating economically inclusive impact and growth.

In an effort to identify and explore some of the barriers that exist for women and BIPOC practitioners in Central PA CRE, land development, and public/private partnerships, a panel of regional leaders share both trends and personal anecdotes. This panel will discuss the barriers some communities face advancing in the industry, what existing opportunities can be leveraged to meaningfully improve DE&I, and how to center equity in land use decision making processes.


State of Green: Greenprint Performance Report, Volume 15

ULI Greenprint real estate members are leading the charge to decarbonization. Learn about the progress being made globally on reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy and water efficiency in the real estate industry.
Event Session

Navigating Dynamic Real Estate Markets: Investing in a New Era

Forecasts for rapid growth in middle classes, urbanisation and consumer spending in Southeast Asia present unique opportunities for patient and agile capital.

ULI Randall Lewis Center for Sustainability FY2024 Annual Impact Report

The Center for Sustainability’s Annual Impact Report (FY2024) shares a collection of the year’s cumulative outcomes, highlighting the impacts on members and communities. With 37 publications reaching 37,000 readers, 200 convenings engaging 19,200 att...