ULI 费城:探索宾夕法尼亚州中部商业地产的 DE&I
超过 75% 的美国商业地产(CRE)高级领导职位由白人男性担任。然而,我们知道不同的声音和观点有利于建立更强大的社区并创造经济包容性的影响和增长。
为了确定和探索女性和 BIPOC 从业者在中央 PA CRE、土地开发和公共/私人伙伴关系中存在的一些障碍,一个区域领导人小组分享了趋势和个人轶事。该小组将讨论一些社区在行业发展中面临的障碍,可以利用哪些现有机会来有意义地改善 DE&I,以及如何在土地使用决策过程中集中公平。
网络研讨会摘要:超过 75% 的美国商业地产(CRE)高级领导职位由白人男性担任。然而,我们知道不同的声音和观点有利于建立更强大的社区并创造经济包容性的影响和增长。
为了确定和探索女性和 BIPOC 从业者在中央 PA CRE、土地开发和公共/私人伙伴关系中存在的一些障碍,一个区域领导人小组分享了趋势和个人轶事。该小组将讨论一些社区在行业发展中面临的障碍,可以利用哪些现有机会来有意义地改善 DE&I,以及如何在土地使用决策过程中集中公平。
ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: The Melody
The Melody in Atlanta, Georgia, is a groundbreaking rapid housing project that comprises 40 studio apartments repurposed from 20 shipping containers. The micro-units include a bedroom and kitchenette and are designed with the mental well-being of res...
ULI Homeless to Housed Case Study: John Parvensky Stout Street Recuperative Care Center and Renaissance Legacy Lofts
Located in Denver, Colorado, the John Parvensky Stout Street Recuperative Care Center and Renaissance Legacy Lofts is a mixed-use facility providing affordable housing and comprehensive services to people experiencing homelessness. The Center offers ...
State of Green: Greenprint Performance Report, Volume 15
ULI Greenprint real estate members are leading the charge to decarbonization. Learn about the progress being made globally on reducing carbon emissions and increasing energy and water efficiency in the real estate industry.